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A Proven Conservative 
For Our
Sarasota County Commission

Endorsed By

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Florida State Senator
Joe Gruters
Florida Congressman
John Rutherford


For Government by the People
For Developer Accountability
For Conservative Principles & Personal Rights
For Our Future Quality of Life 

We normally lean toward the incumbent in a race unless that person has done something we find objectionable. However, Rainford was not elected by the people; he was appointed by the governor with the help of friends and associates.

Knight has lived and served Sarasota County for more than 50 years. We believe, as he said, if he can win a couple of battles against development, it could show that you can stand up for what is right.

We recommend: Tom Knight

Daily Sun

August 10, 2024

Tom's platform is focused on protecting our quality of life, providing fiscally responsible leadership, respect for your tax dollars, and is a fierce defender of the Second Amendment. His previous experience as sheriff assists in his being a highly-qualified county commissioner. He understands the responsibilities of the office, its limitations on what he can influence, and thereby possesses the experience to efficiently focus on what he can impact to better our community.

America First Southwest Florida Caucus

June 1, 2024

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My Pledge


Stop Overdevelopment and
Hold Developers Accountable

Business support and controlled growth are important for healthy communities, but Sarasota County's rapid growth has resulted in major problems from traffic to inadequate water supply and quality. We need to keep big developers and special interests out of county commission decisions and let the citizens control how our community evolves. 


Report Locally on
Illegal Immigration

We know we have illegal immigrants entering our community, but we don't know how many, what crimes they may be committing and how they are using our taxpayer-funded resources. If elected, I will propose a task force to create a transparent public report.  



Stop Budget and 
Tax Bloat

With so much revenue from growing property values, the county's budget has exploded and we're still paying high taxes in the face of rising insurance costs. It's time to bring fiscal responsibility back to the budget process and stop needless spending of your tax dollars.

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